
My proposals are always tailor-made.

The proposals you find on this page are mere examples of possible trainings and / or skill enhancements. You will see samples of trainings and seminars which adress more of the classical topics, as well as combined for-instances which integrate or pertain to the subject of personal health.. These are merely extracs from the multitude of proposals I have designed since the year 2002. Of course I will modulate and tune your proposal exactly as you see fit. In most cases measures taken will suppport your process of transformation. In addition to trainings and seminars I will also moderate your kick-off events and consult with you on you on your transformation / change process and the configuration and arrangement thereof. According to my experience, combining the two, workshop and training, will have the most effective impact. Lasting changes entail good coordination between management and executives. Part of my self-concept ist to not only modulate your proposal in counsel with you before the event, but also deliberating with you after the event.

Combined topics:

  • Fit for Sales – fit for success in sales
  • Team Balance – teambuilding and work-life-balance / health management as a team
  • Jobatical –  job on the training please see description
  • Resource Leadership – leadership and health
  • Personal Resource – healthy self management

Classical topics are:

  • Leadership
  • Conflict
  • Teambuilding
  • Sales
  • Negotiation
  • Self- / Time Management
  • Presentation / Rhetorik
  • Communication
  • Chairmanship

Health related topics:

  • Health management
  • Operational health promotion
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Stress management