Your Benefits

Kimes Communication & Health

Stimulus for lasting success


Modern information society, rapidly increasing complexity and demographic changes pose never before seen challenges for companies and organisations. Modern media and information technology offer new opportunities, but also new risks. Man himself has become a critical factor in sucess or failure. On these grounds, all parameters that affect his health and productivity play such a vital role, that they became essential elements of sustainable operative planning, human resources development and  personnell strategies.

Kimes Communication & Health offers you, alongside typical issues of communication, a consistent integration of measures that will accomodate the above mentioned criteria. You benefit from my gathered experiences as a sports scientist and professional executive consultant, in particular my specialized knowledge of the correlations of the human „hardware and software“, the scientific interrelations  of physical and mental influence determinats on well-being, enduring productivity and motivation. This combines classic soft-skill contents with constitutional methods. Besides prevention of disease of the muscle apparatus and the skeletal system, which show the greatest portion of absenteeism, my services also offer you the possible prevention of mental diseases, which now take second place in statistical absenteeism.

At the same time you may boost your organisations attractivity to possible new employees and promote long-lasting productivity of your staff. Frequently these constitutional contents are part of my coachings and a valuable completion for managers and executives.


The successful integration of constitutional measures is closely related to corporate and management culture. At the same time they are additionally confronted with a shift in values and a paradigm change of Generation Y. My proposition will amplify the professional abilities of your managers and executives to handle this new type of employee and stimulate a realistic balance between traditional and novel value structures and actual management routine.


Due to my frequent tasks in intercultural settings, you may especially benefit from my experiences in a global context. Naturally I offer all my services in english and / or bilingually english-german.

You will obtain services, that promote the physical and mental health of your staff.


  1. You have the advantage to administer offers, which integrate constitutional aspects into typical training- and coaching matters. For example, you may book a leadership training, which will enable your managers and executives to implement more and better tools in employee leadership, positively impact employee health, productivity and motivation. Of course we offer teambuilding services separately, or integrated within the above, as well.
  2. You may also plan to further develop your organisation, to implement transformations, which will integrate advancement programs for your employees physical and mental health to make them a part of your company culture.
  3. You may attend typical trainings, workshops and process flows with a sports- and healthprogram, which will turn your offer into an appealing event.


  1. You may book entertaining speeches which will boost awareness about the advantages of being physically and mentally fit, for both productivity in the workplace and in free time.


Please feel free to contact me